Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kipple?

A running man going at full speed towards a wounded badger and his comrades.


kipple (the real definition)----


👍31 👎77

Kipple - meme gif

Kipple meme gif

Kipple - video


Kipple - what is it?

a cool kitty, who is fat

Kipple-ka is the coolest cat on the planet, yo!

👍27 👎11

What does "Kipple" mean?

Derived from the term "kip", along came the word "kipples".

This word is used to indicate that you are going to sleep, see the example below.

This word is a synonym for words such as to snooze, kip, nap, ziz, or more commonly, to sleep.

"I'm tired guys, I'm off for some kipples"

👍31 👎97

Kipple - what does it mean?

the nastiest, dirtiest, trashiest person ever known to live. Lowest of the low.

Eww! That dude is ugly. He's a total kipple!

👍51 👎433

Kipple - meaning

The chaos in a closed environment (eg bedroom) as defined by the size of objects that tend to disappear spontaneously.

Dude 1: I can't find my keys, I swear I left them somwhere here.
Dude 2: I guess the kipple factor in this room is 3 inches.

👍53 👎11

Kipple - definition

drunken times or drinking party

Friday nights are a prime time for having a kipple.

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Kipple - slang

All the useless crap that creeps into daily life, such as junk mail, gum wrappers and old newspapers.

Kipple drives out nonkipple.

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Kipple is a word coined by the remarkable science fiction writer Philip K. Dick. It refers to the sinister type of rubbish which simply builds up without any human intervention. Eventually, one day, the entire world will have moved to a state of kipplization.

From Phil Dick's "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"

JR - Kipple is useless objects, like junk mail or match folders after you use the last match or gum wrappers of yesterday's homeopape. When nobody's around, kipple reproduces itself. For instance, if you go to bed leaving any kipple around your apartment, when you wake up the next morning there's twice as much of it. It always gets more and more.
Pris- I see.
JR - There's the First Law of Kipple, "Kipple drives out nonkipple." Like Gresham's law about bad money. And in these apartments there's been nobody there to fight the kipple.
Pris - So it has taken over completely. Now I understand.
JR - Your place, here, this apartment you've picked - it's too kipple-ized to live in. We can roll the kipple-factor back; we can do like I said, raid the other apartments. But -
Pris - But what?
JR - We can't win.
Pris - Why not?
JR - No one can win against kipple, except temporarily and maybe in one spot, like in my apartment I've sort of created a stasis between the pressure of kipple and nonkipple, for the time being. But eventually I'll die or go away, and then the kipple will again take over. It's a universal principle operating throughout the universe; the entire universe is moving toward a final state of total, absolute kippleization.

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SF magazine from circa 1960

Ted Pauls, who in May 1960 started publishing the fanzine Kipple.

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Kitten nipples. The small white circle patches on the underside of a kitten without hair where the nipples are.

Look at those little kipples :)

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