Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Keshon?

normaly a nice and caring person

keshon is nice.

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Keshon - video


Keshon - what is it?

A fat person with no car and no girl

Keshon. Is fat

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What does "Keshon" mean?

he’s very moody , very mean sometimes , very heavy hearted , hard to keep up with.

keshon stay still !

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Keshon - what does it mean?

Keshone is nice caring and different if he like you he will care a lot about keshone don't take no bull he like making love and he have a good heart and get hurt a lot keshone is somebody you will going out with that the keshone you want to know..... So times he's mean but he really nice sometimes

Keshone love how he have sex

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Keshon - meaning

A really fat penguin

What a keshon..

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Keshon - definition

Very hot chick. Can be descibed as being bootyliscious. Very open to the opinions of others. Quick learner. The hottest most intelligent chick you can find.

Keshon is much sweeter than Monique

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