Definder - what does the word mean?

What is KARTER?

A really bad counter-strike source player who is a hacker and uses a variety of made up slang terms.

Yo, that cripple ass gimp is such a karter.

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KARTER - meme gif

KARTER meme gif

KARTER - video


KARTER - what is it?

slightly ugly man but he is really cool and cool and cool and cool and stuff y'know like he gets women (false) he is pretty nice though idk man

karter is so not hot omg but hes cool and nice๐Ÿ˜

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What does "KARTER" mean?

generally a really dumb person. itโ€™s fairly simple. heโ€™s just dumb as fuck.

person 1: bro what did you get in that test

karter: well i thot it was supposed to be a fish so i started eating it and now i have a brick stuck in my throat.

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KARTER - what does it mean?

Someone who would who would only f#ck joe biden

Karter is gay

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KARTER - meaning

Do not let this man next to your girl. He will 360 no scope your girls heart and take them to Hogwarts so they can have butterbear.

Launching tactical Karter. Mission Accomplished- Girl Stolen.

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KARTER - definition

Is a bot at fortnite loves the fortnite skin rox
He is a bot bot bot

He has the horses in the back
He really wack

Karter you bot

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KARTER - slang

Karter is a boy that is hot asf. He cares about people no matter how much they have messed up. He is smart and generous. He isnโ€™t fake and does not use girls for their body. He doesnโ€™t switch up like other guys. Anyone would be lucky to have him. He is the best person ever. He is perfect. He is good at basketball, baseball, and football.

Girl: look at Karter I wish he was mine
Guy: I wish I was as good as Karter

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Karter is the best friend that everyone wants! She makes you laugh everyday and is super dramatic! Karterโ€™s are very pretty and funny they are also very sporty. Karterโ€™s love lifeโ€™s are simply but good they/ She waits until they find the one! Karterโ€™s tend to me very smart and sweet they have a very good heart and are amazing. Karterโ€™s have beautiful blue eyes that everyone wants! She has the style that looks the best and is a sweet and strong girl!

Karter is super sweet I love ger

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A beast that puts others before themselves and he is the nicest coolest most athletic kid youโ€™ll ever meet and has a beautiful crush and the best best friends ever honestly just a great person and does his best to be the nicest person he can loves sports and doesnโ€™t care who you are heโ€™ll be your friend no matter what and tries his best to be a good kid loves tiktok GOAT at madden and football in real life and isnโ€™t perfect kinda trash at b-ball thatโ€™s all you need in a friend right????????

Man I wish I could be as athletic as Karter.

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A total beast at life who owns at everything, has a hot girlfriend and drive a sexy car. A person who you would be very fortunate to befriend.

Guy 1: Dude why is that guy so amazing and God like. Im so jealous i wish i was him. Guy 2: Dont worry man its just KARTER everybody wishes they were him.

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