Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jush?

a gay dude named josh

Jush came out of the closet

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Jush - meme gif

Jush meme gif

Jush - video


Jush - what is it?

a small indian kid who worships cows.

person 1:Hey look at that kid! hes worshiping a cow!
person 2: Oh yeah that must be a jush!

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What does "Jush" mean?

To look down upon someone who is clearly intoxicated.

"Stop jushing me!"

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Jush - what does it mean?

the motion to maneuver your hands as if it's rubbing a ball .

person 1: I love the way my girl jushes my hair.
person 2: Yeah she's jushing it.

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Jush - meaning

the controlled-chaos effect gained when styling one's hair by hand or from an outside source such as the wind.

i got hit in the head by a tree branch, now my hair is totally jushe.

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Jush - definition

roll up sleeves, waist or cuffs to add style

jushe up the sleeves and you'll look fabulous

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Jush - slang

To give something a little more umph. To add excitement to something.

Let's jushe up this omlette with some chillis

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a replacement for any word. 'jush' is often used by drag queens, mostly Jasmine Masters.

"that's my jush!"
"hey what are you doing later jush?"
"not much just making some jush, wanna come over?"

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I'm going to get my jush

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Swag, style, vibe

Look at you taking all them selfies, you feeling your jush

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