Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Juii?

"Juii" is a word in Khmer. It mean "fuck" in English. It can be do around in the world. sexually or verbally.

ChanDara: Oun, I want to Juii you in this night! ! .
Oun Oun: Come on bae.

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Juii - meme gif

Juii meme gif

Juii - video


Juii - what is it?

β€œJuii” is a word in Khmer. It means β€œFuck” in English. It uses when u have feeling on someone.

Sroun : Oun, B jong juii oun !
Oun : Let’s go bae.

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What does "Juii" mean?

Is a word in Khmer. It's meant "Fuck" in English.


Bong : Jong Juii kdouy oun

Oun : Jah bong

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Juii - what does it mean?

Mean: Want to fuck sivheng’s mom. Horny jg juii mae mii sivheng

Sivheng: My mom single.
Me: I want tos juii mae mii sivheng

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Juii - meaning

It a Khmer word mean a place to have sex.

The Boy: Hi friend, do you want to go to klaeng juii knea?
His friend: Ok.

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Juii - definition

It mean in English is "I love you so much"

Gech : B tos juii knea
Reak : tos tos (let's Go)

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Juii - slang

its a slang term in Khmer for Love and affection, it can be use anywhere when talking to friends and family or even any loved ones.

"bro 1: tos juii knea"
bro 2: tos tos (let's go)

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An expression used to describe the excitement of traveling

He: I'm going to Boston on train today,Juiii.

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A khmer slang word ,
It means "What the fuck!", Or" Fuck!"

Yoth: Hey Told ! I fucked your sister!
Told: Juii!

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It’s is a word in Khmer which mean sex

Dara: Babe I wan to juii with you
Girl: Ok

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