Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jiggs?

someone who runs away from life

ever since that dude got married he has become a total jiggs

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Jiggs - video


Jiggs - what is it?

A young lass who is well known for tugging meat (Jerking cock). To gain this rank, You must prove yourself worthy by spanking alot of dicks.

Ron- Hey there Kirstin, I here you like dicks, Would you like to "polish" my rod?

Kirstin- Sure thing Ron, They don't call me "Jiggs" for nothing!

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What does "Jiggs" mean?

Short for jiggaboo meaning a really dark skinned black person with strong negroid features (ie. big lips, wide nose, nappy hair)

Your a fucking jigg

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Jiggs - what does it mean?

Reference to friend, brother or homeboy; derived from teen slang.

That’s my jigg. I’m cool with lil jigg.

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Jiggs - meaning

to have fun, to be wild, to dance

Are we gone jigg tonight at the Cash Money COncert? Whats jiggin in Louisiana?

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Jiggs - definition

to the person wantin to know whats jigg in louisiana its to roll, take ecstasy, pop some triple stack green dirty bitches go to the club and jiggalate

up there dumba$$es

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Jiggs - slang

Jiggin in Southern Louisiana is poppin ectsasy goin to clubs and dancing all night long,hangin with your friends and listenin to music because everybody is your bestfriend and every song is your favorite song.

person 1: we jiggin tonight?
person 2: yep if u give me your $10

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A dance orginating in Baton Rouge, LA, similar to the Ratchet. It's also asscoatied with popping exctasy pills.

"Jiggin' in the club."

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for all the times you get the irresistible need to dance

david: at 3am my music gave me the jiggs

brody: mate shut the fuck up

david: ok

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ecstasy pills also known as XTC. a drug which causes things to feel good and makes you stay up most of the night, causes high energy levels, makes people speak what is on their mind. caution:may diolate pupils.

lets gO pOp One Of them jiggs

jiggin jiggin real hard

ya'll sum jiggers

she in the club jiggulatin

lets go put sum of them jiggulators on

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