Definder - what does the word mean?

What is JITBAG?

Blond or Chinese A-hole, or generally any tech worker under my stead.

You fuckin Jitbags are gonna be the death of me!!

Get the scrubs right, jitbag!!

You jitbags gotta stop fuckin this up!!

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JITBAG - video


JITBAG - what is it?

A person worthy, of only, carrying a bag full of jizz !!!

Jimmy Jit Bag

👍71 👎117

What does "JITBAG" mean?

A scrotum. See scrot or sac.

She done slapped me all up in my jitbag!

👍79 👎123

JITBAG - what does it mean?

(cycling slang), One who rides like an asshole – cannot keep a paceline, opens gaps, causes crashes, poor bike handler.

Don't follow the wheel of the guy in the red jersey, he'll likley cause a crash – he's a complete fucking JITBAG.

👍135 👎149

JITBAG - meaning

a nerd, asshole or jerkoff

Holy shit that guy Marvin is a real jitbag.

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JITBAG - definition

literally a bag of semen, could literally mean a used condom. In actual usage, it refers to someone who acts like an extreme asshole.

"I can't believe that jitbag grabbed my girlfriend's hooters".

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