Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Iar?

iar means a ugly deppressed bitch living under a rock.

damn is that a iar living under that bridge?

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Iar - meme gif

Iar meme gif

Iar - video


Iar - what is it?

a ugly deppressed ass bitch that lives under a rock

damn is that a iar? i thought that was a cocaroach

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What does "Iar" mean?

an ugly bitch

that girls such an iar

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Iar - what does it mean?

two inches inside kevin bacon's anus

i finally got to third base, he let me touch his iar

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Iar - meaning

In augmented reality. Opposed to irl, in real life.

Hey John, you want to go play laser tag iar?

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Iar - definition

Abbreviation for "In a round..."

Airborne Ribbon
* IAR: 10 seconds in a Parachute
--(Battlefield 2)

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Iar - slang

In a relationship. Used especially to mean claims of being in a relationship on an online social networking web site such as Facebook.

"I just noticed on Facebook that Emma is IAR now."

"James claims to be IAR, but I think he has a Canadian girlfriend."

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Literally the best thing in the whole wide world. Everyone loves her, everyone wants to be her.

I wish I was Iar

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Your probably someone named Kiara who got bored on TikTok and tried the β€œremove the first and last letter of your name” trend.But,If your parents actually named you β€œIar” and thought it was a good idea,please give them a drug test.

I guess my new name is Iar now.

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