Definder - what does the word mean?

What is IFAG?

An annoying user of any apple product (ex. iphone, ipod, imac, mac book, apple tv, etc.)

"It's a good thing you have an imac, or your windows will break" said Jole "SHUT UP YOU IFAG!!!" I said

👍77 👎33

IFAG - meme gif

IFAG meme gif

IFAG - video


IFAG - what is it?

A word coined as a derogatory term towards mac/apple junkies. It has since evolved into an offensive term towards anyone by means of the internet. The prefix "i" has now infested into many other words as well; such as iFuck, iTard, etc. Many of which are simple variations with much the same meaning.

Quit trollin' you iFag

👍167 👎83

What does "IFAG" mean?

An IFag (IFaggot) is generally anyone who uses only one brand of technology exclusively (i.e. Macintosh, Samsung, HP, Toshiba, ect.); they will generally argue their defense as being their brand is 'better' with no actual factual proof other than slogans or information obtained 'second-hand' from their fellow IFags. This shouldn't be confused with 'ICurious' users who will 'try' new brands or switch between two or more brands in order to see what they find it 'better' at the time. However, this title can be related to exclusive gamers (i.e. XBOX, PS or Nintendo), with other references such as 'gear queer' or 'techno whore'. Generally, these parties on all sides should also be avoided when making choices based on technology for personal use as most of their opinions on the matter are biased and misguided which may make others into IFag or ICurious converts.

Mark: Gee, I sure 'love' my Mac; it's soo much better than 'PC' brands !

Bill: really....
Mark: What Mac is awesome and it is better cause you don't gotta' replace it every two years like

with PC's...

Bill: Dude, your such an IFag...
Mark: Whatever, you're just hatin' cause you don't got a make!
Bill: IFaggot!

👍39 👎13

IFAG - what does it mean?

someone who thinks they are cool cause they have an iphone

Tim is such an ifag.

👍919 👎447

IFAG - meaning

iFags are people who automatically get influenced by Apple's ads and market sales.
iFags will deny anything you say about any other product or company.
They tend to be selfish and don't give a shit about you or your opinions.
They are an odd type of human.

Guy 1: "Hey dude do you like the Xbox One or the PS4?"
iFag:" Apple is better than xbox"
Guy 1:" I asked which console you think is the best"
iFag: "dude shutup iPhones are better because apple is a rich company"
Guy 1: "Ok.. so what do you think about androids?"
iFag: (Gives 20k illogical and absurd reasons of the screen size) "oh yeah and and also it has a new swipe feature and it has appstore"
Guy 1: "you fucking iFags"

👍25 👎11

IFAG - definition

One of those idiots who actually think that Apple can make a decent mobile phone.

P1: You hear Sam is getting rid of his Nokia to buy an iPhone?
P2: What an iFag!

👍335 👎109

IFAG - slang

A class of homosexual people who have an affinity for Apple's i-products (e.g. iPod, iMac, iPhoto, etc...)

As Gene looked over at the two Grizzly Adams-looking men sitting next to him on his JetBlue flight to New York, he realized that they were both flaming homosexuals and their preponderance of Apple gear definitely made them 'iFags.'

👍627 👎215


The use of the term 'iFag' refers to someone who is overtly obsessed with an Apple product they own, to the point they will believe anything Apple say right or wrong, dismiss any other tech brand as a viable option and are rather obnoxious human beings.

They are extremely stubborn and unpleasant to deal with and are known to suffer from a superiority complex.

Normal person: er bro that iPhone screen is made by Samsung.

iFag: No Samsung copied Apple, they invented rounded edges, swipe finger and stuff like that.

Normal person: You do realise how stupid you sound now don't you?

iFag: Samsucks makes rubbish technology.

Normal person: So you're now saying Samsung makes a rubbish screen in the iPad3 and iPhone parts are crap too?

iFag: No I'm saying Samsung is crap bro.

Normal person: I'm sorry but you're far too idiotic to carry on this conversation.

I hope you enjoy using your Apple toy with Samsung parts.

iFag: Huh?

Normal person: Goodbye dumbass.

👍75 👎17


1. Someone who thinks he is cool because he owns an Apple product, usually the iPhone or the iPod.

2. Someone who thinks he is cool because he bought a certain technology that very few people use, and thus, he feels like he is superior, although often it is because the technology is overpriced and/or useless.

That iFag attempted to update me on the weather at my workplace, although I work at a fucking weather station.

Jill can't stop talking about her new iPhone and its many features that I also have on my $50 phone. What an iFag.

👍803 👎193


An iFag is a homosexual Apple fan boy. This type of individual will defend their products, regardless or logical reason. You can often find them at any of the following stores: AT&T, Starbucks and any generic smoothie shoppe.

The original iFag is an individual that goes by the name of "freediver" in the channel #computers located on the EfNet IRCd.

The iFag at Starbucks would not shut up about the upcoming iPad.

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