Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Haza?

Cathy Fiffles

You are a haza!

👍25 👎11

Haza - meme gif

Haza meme gif

Haza - video


Haza - what is it?

Cathy Fiffles

Your a haza!

👍25 👎11

What does "Haza" mean?

A phrase used when having been trolled. It is another lazy way to say omy.

Teacher: And this tv show had this scene and it was so funny hahaha.
Students: 😑 no
teacher: haza

👍25 👎11

Haza - what does it mean?

A quick way of saying: "How's it going?"

Hans: Yo haza goin
Steve: Ayyyy Hans you doin good m8?
Hans: Ye im gg how boud you?
Steve: Good also ty mah homie

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Haza - meaning

This is the equivalent of 'oh well', 'que sera sera', 'whatever', 'who cares', 'so what else is new'. A sarcastic term used in submission to some unfortunate event, extreme boredom, or to communicate 'I don't care, I don't even care that I don't care'.

Dude: Like no way! I just flushed my bag down the shitter!
Other dude: Haza man....

Boy: I'm so excited! Teacher says we get to study species coelenterata today!
Girl: Well haza....

Woman: Damn I left my car running and locked myself out!
Man: Haza, what else is new?

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Haza - definition

the best dude ever, honestly has big dick energy and loves everyone and is amazing at every game he plays


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Haza - slang

Random commentary that you say when something happens, such as someone returning from being away.

TC: Hey, I'm Back
DH: Haza

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A way to say hooray. People tend t think it makes them sound "medieval"..I guess.

Haza for Beer!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

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The term haza was introduced by the character Frank Lopez in the film Scarface. Haza is a yiddish word for a pig, or a pig that doesn't fly straight. The term was later backfired onto Frank when Tony discovered that it was Frank who had attemted to assassinate him.

"You know what a haza is Frank?! A pig that don't fly straight, and neither do you!"

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