Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Hashi's?

secretley a woman. (shhh. keep it on the lowdown.)


what the fracknocker?

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Hashi's - meme gif

Hashi's meme gif

Hashi's - video


Hashi's - what is it?

A thin long pipe used to smoke tobacco; marijuana; hashish; speed; smack; or crack.

orrrr kick us the hashie bro, i need a hit.

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What does "Hashi's" mean?

well known as tater-tots

hey andy, would you stop eaitng my hashies?

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Hashi's - what does it mean?

Means fat Japanese Chopsticks. Hashi is a blatant word for chopsticks. He means nothing to the world as he sits on his ass all day long playing the kids game: ROBLOX.

Omg hes got some Hashi's with him.

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Hashi's - meaning

means "smile" in Bengali (an Indian language)

You have such a beautiful hashi.

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Hashi's - definition

A creature located in Downtown Toronto. Rarely comes out of his habitat, unless its for sipping lattes at second cup. A liberal lover, and a Obama sympathizer. Lacks significant amounts of male testosterone. An Elites, and credulous to mass media.

Don't be such a 'The Hashi'.

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Hashi's - slang

Or Hash Brownies is a brownie made with brownie mix and hash weed and baked for perfection and herbilization.

Let me get a pillsberry hashies ging

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The Japanese word for 'chopsticks'.

Last night we ate Japanese food with chopsticks but I decided to be all fancy and called them 'hashi' instead.

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Brown stains in your underwear if you don't wipe good enough

I saw your hashies, you left them on the ground!

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To be rough or heavy handed with something, showing little regard for it's value.

Usual not intentional but rather an act of carelessness.

Your laptop broke because you were too hashy with it.

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