Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Hasani's?

A cute,funny girl who is inlove with one direction. She loves some zayns and hot boys

wow your a Hasani can i lick you

👍49 👎87

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Hasani's - what is it?

Hasani is a nice person usually always on the PS4 but likes to go out, Timid and can keep a secret when he needs to, never cheats because he Physically can't

Wow he's such a Hasani look at him

👍31 👎17

What does "Hasani's" mean?

A biracial fellow who lies about his job, steals Star Wars toys, and jerks off on other people's keyboards. He's also eight inches hung. Wow!

I can't believe Hasani stood me up!

👍137 👎173

Hasani's - what does it mean?

Hasani is an Arabic name which means "Great One".
Wa salam

Girl: Who is this guy?
Other Girl: Idk, but he says his name is Hasani!
Girl: Damn, he must be great! Strong name!

👍31 👎11

Hasani's - meaning

Name originating from the Swahili language meaning handsome. Hasani is usually a very attractive light skinned man who has an amazing strong physique with huge buff arms and chest. Hasani's are always well hung and talented in bed. Hasani's are sensitive, have a great sense of humor and are college educated. But sorry ladies he only likes white girls.

Damn girl, Hasani is perfect! Too bad he only likes the snow.

👍225 👎97

Hasani's - definition

A person who is mostly quiet in the group, blushes ALOT when a girl touches his hand, Really kind, smiles alot, and cares about his friends and others.

That guy is such a Hasani

👍135 👎37