Definder - what does the word mean?

What is HUMMERS?

See the vehicular definition of FUV.

My Hummer gets 0.5 mpg downhill and averages 2 complaints per owner (according to JD Power and Associates). w00t!

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HUMMERS meme gif

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HUMMERS - what is it?

blowjobs, gobbies, headjobs, pretty much the act of sucking anothers penis

Hummers and a chicken feed, all in one.

👍77 👎31

What does "HUMMERS" mean?

A dick magnifying four ton metal phallic symbol.

"Rick just bought that big hummer. Rumor has it he has a micro-penis."

👍2261 👎1365

HUMMERS - what does it mean?

No, not the SUV, an extremely pleasureable type of oral sex which involves the female humming to create a vibrating sensation in the penis during oral sex.

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HUMMERS - meaning

1. A civilan version of the military vechicle Humvee. Hummer's are produce by the General Motors Company. Currently there are two version's H2 and H1.
2. A Blowjob when the girl hums during the BJ

I got a hummer in my Hummer the other day.

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HUMMERS - definition

A blow job which incorporates a gentle humming while performing the duty to increase stimulation.

My husband asked me to give his boss a hummer to thank him for giving him a promotion.

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HUMMERS - slang

when a handjob is given to a man, the giver hums directly onto his testicles causing greater stimulation, much like a vibrator would do

i love it when she does the hummer

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A hilarious name for oral sex. Often used as a joke, when people think the Hummer H series vehicles.

Son: Daddy, I want a hummer for christmas.

Dad: (laughing) Me too, son. Me too.

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More than a blowjob; it's when a girl actually hums (thus vibrating her lips) when her mouth has encased your engorged penis or balls.

Your mom gives great hummers.

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1. Even better than a blowjob, it's when the person actually hums/vibrates their lips while their mouth is around your cock.
2. One of the least fuel efficient vehicles on the Earth.

I rode home in a Hummer while recieving a hummer.

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