Definder - what does the word mean?


The fear of homes

person 1: I have homophobia
person 2: wow thats not nice why dont you like gay people
Person 1: im scared of homes

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HOMOPHOBIA - meme gif




HOMOPHOBIA - what is it?

Complete horseshit.

Homophobia? Fresh out of the horse's anus.

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What does "HOMOPHOBIA" mean?

A hatred of humans

Humans are Homo-Sapiens, so therefore hating on Humans is Homo-sapienophobia, or Homophobia for short

đź‘Ť983 đź‘Ž99

HOMOPHOBIA - what does it mean?

The rational fear of Homo sapiens (aka humans)

Defined as being afraid of homos xoxoxo

Person 1: I have homophobia!
Person 2: Oh you're afraid of humanity nice!

đź‘Ť923 đź‘Ž93

HOMOPHOBIA - meaning

The fear of buildings that are lived in, houses, and home estates.

“Did you hear that Kevin is homophobic?”
“Yeah. Isn’t that why he’s homeless?”
“Yeah. So much homophobia that he’s too scared to even live in a box.”

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HOMOPHOBIA - definition

The fear of man (humans)

If I am homophobic or if I have homophobia then I have the fear of humans.

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Something that doesn't exist

- Not a thing is just normality

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It's what people think means fear of gay people even tho litteraly homo is man and phobic is fear of so no I don't have a fear if men

Person:1 bruh did you hear Jake was homophobic

Person:2 wow a normal person let's talk to him about dat

Jake:1 I'm afraid of guys not gays
Homophobia is a awesome thing normal people practice only faggots say otherwise

đź‘Ť1051 đź‘Ž79


Noun. Homo, Latin meaning Man. Phobia, Latin meaning having a fear. Together they mean, "ManFear!"

Ignorant Offensive Slur. Not a real word!

1. Non-medical, non-scientific pejorative term used to demean and ridicule any disagreement with or disapproval of aberrant, deviant, or unnatural pseudo sexual behaviors or practices, i.e., with Aberrosexualism, bisexualism, fetishism, homosexualism, lesbianism, necrophilism, sadomasochism, zoophilism, etc.

Intellectual 1: Although the slur “homophobia” has a clinical ring to it, the fact is that medically or scientifically “homophobia” does not exist.

Intellectual 2: "Homophobia” has never even been listed as a disorder in the Psychological profession’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Homosexualism, however, is considered by many doctors and scientists a real psycho-sexual disorder and was recognized as such in the DSM until excluded in 1973 due to coercive pressures by Aberrosexualist groups, and not due to any clinical studies or medical research.

Psychologist: The term “Homophobia” attemps to make those who use True Psychology and Science look bigoted and ignorant.

1. Although the slur “homophobia” has a clinical ring to it, the fact is that medically or scientifically “homophobia” does not exist.

2. “Homophobia” has never even been listed as a disorder in the Psychological profession’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

Intellegent Psychologist: The slur ''homophobia'' has no basis in medicine or science and has never even been listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Homosexualism, however, is considered by many doctors and scientists a real psycho-sexual disorder and was recognized as such in the DSM until excluded in 1973 due to coercive pressures by Aberrosexualist groups, and not due to any clinical studies or medical research.

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an inconvenience towards a gay person

it’s homophobia how good looking straight men are.

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