Definder - what does the word mean?

What is HOM?

Short word for homo meaning gay, faggot, fagbag, dicksucker, socklover, assfucker, etc.

Shutup you gay ass hom

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HOM - meme gif

HOM meme gif

HOM - video


HOM - what is it?

a flannel used to wash one's bumhole.

Dude pass me the Hom.

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What does "HOM" mean?

A strange animal that not a single person can comprehend. Most known for their mating call β€œRoo” and the tendency to β€œsimp” for the opposite sex.

β€œHey jordan you see that over there” β€œwhat the hell is that weird thing?” β€œThats called a Hom”

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HOM - what does it mean?

A comment that is intended to be mega kiss ass/cloying

- Hey, you look so amazing all the time like I would legit give so much to look like you; I mean, could I just be you?
- What a hom!

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HOM - meaning

HOM: Hand Over Mouth
The gesture of placing one's hand over their mouth in reaction to something appalling, disgusting, or traumatic.

"He sent a dick pic-HOM"
"I almost sent it to the all-staff email--HOM"

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HOM - definition

Computer Architecture Acronym: "high only memory"

After studying high, Billy had trouble remembering his quantum physics equation because it was stored in his HOM.

HOM doubles capacity doubles every year.

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HOM - slang

1. A Hot Older Man in the public eye, such as George Clooney or Brad Pitt.

2. A hot older gay male (note differing terminology). In a gay context, HOM signifies handsome gay men in their forties and fifties, who are usually well-defined physically and have body (esp. chest) hair and often some face hair, although head hair is not an absolute requirement. There are numerous websites devoted to same-sex admirers of HOM's, some more explicitly erotic than others.

Stefan: "See that guy leaving the gym? He is SO hot-looking with that jacket and greying goatee. My Tim Kelly meter is going tilt. Think he's HOM (aitch-oh-emm)?"

Thom: "If he's gay, you may be on to something. You sure have an eye for the daddies, don't you?"

Stefan: "Woof!"

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Acronym for "Hot Older Man". Like George Clooney or something.

Amie: "I just don't get it with Brad Pitt. He's not a HOM."
Steve: "A HOM?"
Amie: "A hot older man."
Steve: "Alright, I'm a guy and even I get it."

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Horny on main

HOM at home for a homie.

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Stands for "hand over mouth"

Used when talking online and you have shit all over someone.

Note: before used, you must first scream out oooooohhhh!

Your so fucking ugly! Why dont you just kill yourself!
Ooooohhhhhhh!! HOM

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