Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Guish?

« peter les guish » is a slang that comes from montreal and its use to make money. a lot of people who does this are vagabonds

« holla pour peter les guish sans risque à 100% desjardins, bmo, rbc... »

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Guish - meme gif

Guish meme gif

Guish - video


Guish - what is it?

Deep melancholy or sadness. Also, angst or drama, as in a book, movie, or play. Abbreviation of anguish.

For most of our class, the book was too guishy, but I happened to like the guish in the ending; the guishiness made me cry!

👍43 👎73

What does "Guish" mean?

another word for cute or squishy or adorable

that fat cat is so guishe!

👍29 👎13

Guish - what does it mean?

diarrhea, loose stool

I ate chili hotdogs, and later found guish in my pants.

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Guish - meaning

a flabby old woman vagina
an extreme insult to one another

to an old unknowing woman...

how's that guishe hanging?

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Guish - definition

The opposite of lit.

Short for extinguished.

Bro 1: Dude the car is hella lit.
Bro 2: Nah man that shit guished af.

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Guish - slang

a shorter version of the name Guillem that is visually pleasant to the eyes cuz it rocks.

Hi Guish, u rock

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To disintegrate or rot showily either emotionally or mentally as the result of an extreme negative perpetuator, such as "ang" or "lang" or "exting".

She is guishing. She languished in her anguish until her anguish was extinguished.

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The post fornification of mingled bodily fluids

1. “I just need to pop to the toilet to release the guish” said Mandy
2. Guish pooled from her as she lay breathless and satiated

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The act of grimacing while pulling your chin as far back as possible to flatten your face and create multiple chins. The goal is to shock people with your ugliness. Ricky Gervais famously guishes for photos.

For instant internet fame, record yourself looking glamorous and then suddenly guish for the camera.

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