Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gims?

A random word suzie likes to say

I cant be arsed going out

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Gims - meme gif

Gims meme gif

Gims - video


Gims - what is it?

Retarded way of saying gay

Your mom a gim

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What does "Gims" mean?

The combination of the words Give, To, and Me. A shorthand way of asking for something.

Oh man, I'm thirsty. I want a soda. Gim!

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Gims - what does it mean?

When you are totally fuckin blazed and you want another joint, so you try to say "give me" but all that comes out is "GIM".

Cam: duuuuude, hahahahahah, gim.

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Gims - meaning

thaii for pussy, a fun word to call teachers, parents, and friends...most teachers, parents, or friends dont know thaii, so you can call them a pussy whenever you want, which is convienant because i always want to call my teachers pussies

*during an NBA game*

Gary Payton: hey you dumb bitch, you arent that great at bball

Yao Ming: gim

Gary Payton: i wonder if that is thaii for pussy?

Yao Ming: you must like urban dictionary

Gary Payton: yea, its a cool place

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Gims - definition

Acronym for "GaGa Is My Saviour". Is any further explanation necessary?

"Lady GaGa totally has a dick."
"Wow dude shut up. GIMS".

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Gims - slang

1 - Someone who does what they have to do.
2 - A person who abandons their family during designated "family time".
3 - A person with a base value of 6 points.

Katarina is such a GIM for going to a party instead of spending time with her family for the New Year

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Gim: Describes someone that is really creative, joyful, friendly, sociable, intelligent, and laid back. Also represents a state of mind: calm, fun and cheerful. Gims enjoy people, and life in general. They are optimistic and everyday normal cool people.
It is a word in standard U.S. english, unrelated with any phonetically similar foreign word. It is believed to been originated in Miami – FL (specifically in the City of Doral). Its feminine is Gimla. Its plural is Gims or Gimlas.
Gim is a multi-purpose, highly versatile word. It can be used as a noun, as a pronoun, as an adjective, and even as a verb. It usually assumes a neutral yet exclamative form. It is most of the times good and rarely used in a depreciative way. Gim is very friendly and used by highly educated and polite people. It is never related to any cursing expression, and it is famous among the youth, especially teens. Its neutrality is able to lessen conflicts or arguments because no offense is ever intended with its use. Gim can also represent a status. Gim is intended to transmit love while uniting people and strengthening friendships. One takes pride on being a Gim or a Gimla. Gim is not a label.

1- You are such a Gim! (Used when one does something really nice or really silly).
2- I love you Gim. You’re my favorite Gim. (Used as a form of endearment).
3- Hahaha you are a Gim! (When one does something really funny).
4- Oh man! I’m a Gim! (When one forgets something or does something stupid).
5- I’m just gimming around. (Doing nothing interesting or just random stuff).
6- Yeah, tomorrow I’ll gim all day long! (Do something fun).
7- What’s up Gim? (Friendly interaction, such as β€˜hey pal’!).
8- Don’t gim out! (Don’t chicken out).
9- Lucky Gim! (Whenever one buys a car, or is able to progress financially, get a good job, etc).
10- He was gimming until early morning. (Playing video-games, surfing on the internet, not sleeping).
11- You can do it Gim. (Form of encouragement).
12- Deep there he is a Gim! (To describe an older person that is a Gim at heart, being jovial).
13- Gim! (As an advice of danger, to be careful).
14- Oh Gim… (To demonstrate dissatisfaction).
15- Yeah Gim! (To demonstrate approval or satisfaction).

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Gun In Mouth

When FML just isn't good enough to explain how screwed you are.
The wife caught me banging a tranny, GIM

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Grinding In My Seat. A woman or gay man who, while seated, become so aroused by the image of an attractive man that they begin rubbing their lower behind against their seat involuntarily, complimenting the visual stimulus with a physical one.

Omg, did you see him? I'm totes GIMS.

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