Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Get red?

going crazy?

i'm going to get on the red tonight

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Get red - video


Get red - what is it?

That's my smokin' hot ginger! Back off!

similar to "got off my kool aid," but with way more Italian jealousy. When an absolutely gorgeous redhead is involved, an Italian guy would say "get off my red trolley!"

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What does "Get red" mean?

This is a simple phrase that you should remember as you will find it helpful in later life. If you are offended by the fact that strawberries are red, please get over it because it is a fact that they are red! If you disagree with this please get support.

A: strawberries are green, I will not settle for anything else
B: umm no they are not
A: what
B: strawberries are red get over it!

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Get red - what does it mean?

When someone rides a Honda and gets all the girls

You know what they say about Honda’s ride red get head

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Get red - meaning

To make out, especially under the pretense of doing something else. Slang.

John and Alexa went to get a red bull.

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Get red - definition

When something infuriates you, it gets your red up. Originates from "so mad they were red in the face".

It really gets my red up when people are rude to me for no reason.

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Get red - slang

Preforming oral sex on a woman during her period.

Gina is on the rag, guess your getting your red wings tonight.

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Get red

to get yourself looking stunning and seductive for night out, shortened from: get ready

"i'll drop round with your corset, you cna get red then we'll pick up the bottle"

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Get red

When a girl is going in her period

Cindy, I think I'm getting red, so forgive me if I'm rude.

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Get red

An individual who has decided to smoke marijuana and therefore gets bloodshot eyes in the process.

Yo dude! Wanna get red?

Hell ya man, got the blunt?

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