Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gawjuss?

THE most awesome way of saying gorgeous like ever!
i mean who doesnt?

boy: hey yawr hawwwwwwt
girl: yawr pretty gawjuss yourself =

👍173 👎141

Gawjuss - video


Gawjuss - what is it?

gorgeous the way uneducated twits spell it

dat dres is jus gawjuss, sweetie

👍157 👎57

What does "Gawjuss" mean?

A vague expression of showing appreciation to someone's beauty

Rebecca: Your a gawjuss today
Sion: Fuck off

👍27 👎13

Gawjuss - what does it mean?

Meaning beautiful, gorgeous, ect

Dayum, look at Giada. She's gawjuss!

👍47 👎41