Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gasp?

A word uttered when in shock

"GASP!" shouted the Tajikstani immigrant after realizing his wife had soiled her undergarments.

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Gasp - meme gif

Gasp meme gif

Gasp - video

Gasp - what is it?

The act of gasping, see =o

person 2: *gasp* that's amazing!

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What does "Gasp" mean?

when words cannot be used. or just when you want to be dramatic..

*gasp* I cannot believe this I have zero words just shook... or
*gasp* omg really I didn't know you were gay?! btw love that hot pink purse today where did you get it?

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Gasp - what does it mean?

British slang for experiencing nicotine withdrawal. American equivalent is "having a nicfit."

I had to work all day today without a fag break. By the time they let me out I was gasping.

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Gasp - meaning

Describing a situation when somebody is being highly selfish or tight with their money.

When said the 'gaaaaa' part of the word is enhanced. At least for a second.

David wouldn't buy his round at the bar, he's a proper GASP

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Gasp - definition

Breathing heavily

After he finished the marathon he gasped for air

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Gasp - slang

1. Catchphrase uttered by Michael Swaim in the Streamy award winning show, Agents of Cracked.

" GASP! The Chief! "

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What people in anime do when something unexpected happens

I have a confession to make... Iā€™m actually your dog


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the sound someone makes between the moans

Every time she could, she gasped for air.

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1) Deep breath made when desperate for air.

2) Deep breath made when surprised.

1) After emerging from his tankless, two-minute-and-thirty-seven-second dive, Frank gasped for air with deep, exhausted breaths.

2) I gasped when I learned that Lena was in fact the one who wrote the "Anel was here" message on the blackboard that hat gotten us detention.

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