Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Fudge Brownie?

Now first of all, you need to eat a couple handfulls of whole, un-chewed peanuts about 2 hours prior to game time. Now that you've prepared, your gonna wanna squat over a girls face and simultaneously cum down-wards onto her face while shitting peanut-shit, also onto her face.

After a long night at the bar snacking on bar nuts, Jeffery knew tonight his girlfriend was getting the Fudge Nut Brownie Explosion.

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Fudge Brownie - video


Fudge Brownie - what is it?

Where a female sticks some kind of fudge brownie up her vagina and then the man sticks his dick inside until it is fully covered. Then he pulls out and his dick should be black like bret's. Then she sucks all of it off and you can add sprinkles or icing

yo bret why you buying tons of brownies?
Brandon im buying them to give my girl a Triple fudge brownie surprise!

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What does "Fudge Brownie" mean?

When you take a shit and cum all over on top of it and then bake it. Once it is done you serve it as a pastry to others or yourself.

Bob: Man I'm really hungry right now
Tom: Hey I just took a shit in this bag, wanna make a glazed hot fudge brownie?
Bob: I would love to! Let me just cum on it and then we can bake it in the oven
Tom: Yumm delish!

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Fudge Brownie - what does it mean?

The escalation of a "skid-mark".

The underwear smear.

When a person wears one pair of underwear for several days, and then flips the same pair of underwear inside-out to wear again for another few days.

The act is usually performed by those who practice poor hygiene and selective laziness. The common end result is a thick and potent load of fecal matter buildup inside the underwear between the anus and genitalia.

The accumulated fecal buildup can become black and encrusted over a matter of hours or days. One who practices the Double Fudge Brownie is often at risk of social rejection, and/or public humiliation.

"We tried to have sex but when we got naked and threw our undies on the floor, I saw the inside of hers was smeared with a double fudge brownie which made my boner go down quick!"

"I was gonna make my cell mates butt hole wider but when I stuck it in the first time he was sporting a double fudge brownie, so I stabbed his ass and went to bed."

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Fudge Brownie - meaning

1) The excretion of copious and/or explosve diarrhea on the face of a lover, and the subsequent ingestion and enjoyment of aforementioned liqua-shit.

2) Delightful ice-cream sunday from frozen-goodie proprietor, "Dairy Queen."

Dave, after eating at his favorite tex-mex buffet, injected Mary with a fudge brownie explosion during an otherwise uneventful round of genetal munching.

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Fudge Brownie - definition

A mixture or either feces containing sperm or sperm containing feces. Usually found on the back seat of a moms sedan after amateur anal sex has occurred.

Dude I hook up with Amber this weekend and she left a fudge brownie bliss on my moms back seat.

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Fudge Brownie - slang

When a middle aged Mexican man drops a wad of hot shit off a two story building on to the fresh-cut flat top of a black man

Yo Carlos just gave Jabari the biggest hot fudge brownie last night

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Fudge Brownie

a juicy, wet fart that leaves a stain in your drawers

Smells like someone's making fudge brownies!

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Fudge Brownie

A euphemism for brownies containing pot.

We went to Amsterdam and pigged out on fudge brownies.

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Fudge Brownie

when you fuck a girl in the ass hole then make her suck ur dick

dude i gave ur mom the nastiest fudge brownie ever she had shit in her teeth

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