Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Frotch?

The conjunction of fire crotch.

Damn! Michelle is one sexy frotch.

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Frotch - video


Frotch - what is it?

someone's who has orange pubic hair, you can usually tell if someone is a frotch if their eyebrows are orange.

"Man, I can't believe you fucked a frotch last night!"

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What does "Frotch" mean?

fire crotch- someone with red pubic hair

usually refers to a guy

carrot top has a frotch.

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Frotch - what does it mean?

The act of making frotches. Often happens when a female frotch and a male frotch decide to mate, thus producing a very pale baby with orange freckles and bright red hair.

After nine months since they first started frotching, the two frotches had a baby ginger!

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Frotch - meaning

also known as the skid marks found in tighty whities

i frotched my pants when you scared me!

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Frotch - definition

A very fiery crotch, usually belonging to people of ginger nature. A typical burning sensation in the pelvis, normally belonging to girls named Lacy.

"You see that girl over there with the red hair? Yeah, she's most definitely the biggest frotch I know. "

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Frotch - slang


The area between the ballsack and the anus.

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French crotch

Holy shit look at the frotch!
She was frotching her frotch all over the club!
What a bunch of frotches!
Thats the frotchiest camel toe i've ever seen!
Frotchy frotchiness all over the frotchy place!
It's been awhile since i've put my face in a frotchy frotch

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Someone who farts in the bathtub while taking a bath, then eats the bubbles.

Always carry a spear when dealing with a frotch.

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See Fire Crotch. Slang for the term used for people with an orange crotch.

"Sup Frotch, tell your mama that she sucked last night."

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