Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Frighten?

Used to describe the anal opening just before sex.

Ruiners sphincter quivered like a frightened starfish just before the drunken polar bear inserted his bearhood.

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Frighten - meme gif

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Frighten - what is it?

Basically the shocker except you fist the vag and the asshole at the same time while you spin both hands as if you were using a steering wheel..

I felt like I was driving a semi last night when I gave that girl the E-Frightener.

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What does "Frighten" mean?

A frightened nipple; originated from Britain, β€œcold nipples” is a nipple so cold, if extroverts itself.

I have frightened nipples it’s so cold!

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Frighten - what does it mean?

When you're so cold, that your penis tries to suck back into your body like a frightened turtle into it's shell.

"Dude, you should know better than to go skinny-dipping on the first date. You never show the frightened turtle to a chick who hasn't already seen your meat."

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Frighten - meaning

Frightened Rabbit are an amazing scottish indie/folk consisting of Scott Hutchison (vocals, guitar), Grant Hutchison (drums, vocals), Billy Kennedy (guitar, keyboards, bass) and Andy Monaghan (keyboards, guitar, bass).

Their two albums - The Midnight Organ Fight and Sing the Greys are both awesome.

Rhab: I saw Frightened Rabbit last nite live, they were fucking awesome
Gav: Wow im jealous i hear they are a tidy band!

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Frighten - definition

When a girl hasn't yet decided whether to spit or swallow prior to climax and ends up with some sort of messy hybrid. She immediately has second thoughts about the rest of whats in her mouth and staggers wide-eyed, jaw extended, arms flapping around the room looking for someplace to spit.

Cheryl is orally talented, but doesn't exactly have a taste for the homebrew "protein shake". One night as Larry came to fruition, she got a little in her mouth. She looked like a frightened pelican as she ran around the room, arms flailing, and chin extended looking for somewhere to spit.

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Frighten - slang

When you're having sex doggy style and fist the womans asshole and grab your penis through the flesh wall and masturbate to completion

'Yo bro dog, i busted out the frightener on a chick last night now she wont text me back"

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To get scared or frightened

1.She was frightened and pushed the man away.
2.The man outside the door was frightening to see.

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make (someone) afraid or anxious.
synonyms: scare, startle, alarm, terrify, petrify, shock, chill, panic, shake, disturb, dismay, unnerve, unman, intimidate, terrorize, cow, daunt
* deter someone or something from involvement or action by making them afraid.
* (of a person) become afraid or anxious.

the savagery of his thoughts frightened him
at his age, I guess he doesn't frighten any more

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When you are totally terrified of what's about to happen to you.

When I pulled out this pistol that nigga looked hella frightened.

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