Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Flonging?

A penis that is extremely long and with less width than average.
(Fucking + Long = Flong)

Wow! Brad has a Flong dick eh guys?

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Flonging - meme gif

Flonging meme gif

Flonging - video


Flonging - what is it?

The sexual act in which a male flings his dong into a female's oral, anal, or vaginal cavity and is usually performed on a king size bed. A derivative of the latin phrase "slutivus cum flongdivious."

"Did you hear that Johnny totally flonged this chick on Saturday night?"

"Dude, if Sandy doesn't let me flong her tonight, I'm dumping her.

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What does "Flonging" mean?

A longer than average dating fling. When your casually dating someone for about 6-10 months but the relationship still never turns into anything serious. You may take this person to a movie or a friends wedding all while maintaining a highly sexual relationship but then the fling sort of just ends without any bad feelings.

I like Jenny a lot and she's good in bed, but I just don't see me being married to her. I think this is just a flong!

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Flonging - what does it mean?

Has no meaning. Not to be confused with clonging and donging.

A: Flonging.
B: ...

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Flonging - meaning

Slang term for thong, perhaps in reference to a flesh-coloured flong, but can be used to refer to any thong.
The word can then be expanded upon and used as a verb.

"I've got my flong on"
"I'm flonging it"
"I'm feeling flongalicious today"
"I'm flon flong flashing"

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Flonging - definition

When you mispronounce the wordlong” and it comes out as “flong

Why are the cheese sticks so flong - uh, I meant to say long!

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Flonging - slang

The act of sticking a thong up a girls ass, then using the shitty underwear to floss your teeth.

If my breath stinks its because me and my girl flonged last night.

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When something's not too big or too small. Not too hot or too cold. It's neither too little or too much. It's just right. It's proper flonge.

'This weather is proper FLONGE'
'Goldilocks tried papa bears porridge, far too hot fam. She then tried moma bears porridge and dat shit was nasty cold. Finally she tried the child bear ones and it was proper FLONGE'
'Her flange was proper FLONGE lad'

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You are a fat strokey nonce that touches 4-8 year olds daily , your van is always full you stroke , your also on the sex offender list.

Wow im so lucky that i escaped from Bodies dad , what a Flonge.

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The greatest drinking game of all time.

You have a table, and 1 person from each pair is standing at a head of the table. So at first glace it looks like ruit, but you are actually standing ACROSS from your partner. Each person has 4 cups lined in front of them, and each pair has a ping pong ball. The objective is to throw the ball into your partners 4 cups, if you sink one, then your partner drinks it, and plays flip cup with it. Once he flips it, he can shoot on your cups. First team to flip all 8 cups, wins. It is a game of speed, which makes it infinitely better than ruit.

What makes it different is also that the winner drinks more than the loser, usually it's a full beer for each four cups. Plus a game with good players takes about 3 minutes, so more people get to play.

"Mike and Brian were 13-0 at flong, now they are sharing a victory vomit."

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