Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Feep?

A silent fart, usually released intentionally by the splitting apart of one's buttocks to eliminate the vibration.

"I didn't want my girlfriend to hear me fart while we were in bed, so I feeped."

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Feep - what is it?

The jittery feelings one experiences when they are about to get laid.

I got a major case of the feeps as I was booking the hotel.

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What does "Feep" mean?

F*** it.

Hey you should study for the exam tomorrow!
Nah Feep

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Feep - what does it mean?

Something that is not as good or as bad as one has been led to believe.

I went to the restaurant that everyone is raving about. It was pretty good but nothing special, a real feep.
Harry said his dog was really mean, but it didn't bother me. What a feep.

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Feep - meaning

When a male sucks in air through the urethra of his penis. Similar to a peef but the airflow moves the opposite direction through the urethra. Most feeps will result in a peef.

He pulled down his pants and took in a huge feep.

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Feep - definition

(noun) pronunciation - "feep"
1. A term specific to a peer group developed on the popular social networking site Facebook. Origin is an amalgam of "Facebook" and "peep", a popular informal term for friends and compatriots.

Example - "A big shout-out to my FEEPs that this is the term I will use to refer to you from this point forward. I suggest you own it - t-shirts will be delivered shortly."

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Feep - slang

Feep someone that steals everything you do to be cool like you

Man that guy is such a feep stealing my jokes everytime

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The feelings of your peeps

the group had some pretty sad feeps

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1. A person you've friended on Facebook 2. Any person on Facebook. 3. Any social site friend. Melding of face and peep, or friend and peep.

"I want to seed this to my feeps, like yesterday." I want to share this with all my facebook friends right away.

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Feep (fΔ“p)

v. feeped, feepΒ·ing, feeps

v. intr.

To permit the escape of a sexual opportunity.

Note on etymology: The origin of the word "feep" dates back to the late 1990s, when a relocated Pennsylvanian, affectionately referred to as Feep by his peers, first began attempting to have sex with women. His numerable and seemingly endless failures resulted in the formulation of the above word derived from his name.

Rather than engaging in coitus, the two lovebirds spooned and watched the overrated holiday comedy Elf. When the two ate breakfast the following morning, and she flirted relentlessly with the waiter, it became obvious that he feeped another opportunity.

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