Definder - what does the word mean?

What is feep?

Facebook peeps.

Joe: What do you want to do tonight?
Ed: I don't know. Let me see what's trending on Twitter.
Joe: And I'll ask my feeps.
Raul: You guys suck. I'm outta here.

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feep - meme gif

feep meme gif

feep - video


Feep - what is it?

The jittery feelings one experiences when they are about to get laid.

I got a major case of the feeps as I was booking the hotel.

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What does "feep" mean?

slang for a hairy vagina

Matt: Dang, I stuck my hand in her pants and it felt like an animal was down there!
Luke: Oh, she must have a feep.

Girl 1: I need to shave!
Girl 2: Oh yeah, you don't want to get a feep.

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Feep - what does it mean?

Australian slang for a person of african decent. Similar to nigger, negro, coon etc.

Get out of my shop you fucken feeps!!

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Feep - meaning

Fart noise.

*feep* Was her fart noise.

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Feep - definition

alternate name for the big ole flat things at the ends of your legs. Feep are primarily used for walking, unless you're a fucking dumbass who goes around on Heelys as if it's 2007, like come on don't discrespect your feep like that, use em the way god intended: crushing your enemies

Oh no my feep are cold!

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Feep - slang

To foop (fart + poop) and pee at the same time. Often difficult to manage.

DUDE I just feeped. It was incredible.

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An image with an average brightness of 0.176
Usually found as a pgm format

Test it on FEEP

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little bo peep's little brother

Feep was always teasing little bo peep's sheep.

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A silent fart, usually released intentionally by the splitting apart of one's buttocks to eliminate the vibration.

"I didn't want my girlfriend to hear me fart while we were in bed, so I feeped."

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