Definder - what does the word mean?

What is FUU?

acronym for "fuck you. you suck."

tweet/status update/text: "omg. you did not just say that. fuus!"

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FUU - meme gif

FUU meme gif

FUU - video


FUU - what is it?

Another term for the word ugly, primarily used in the South.

Bruh, you look fuu as hell.

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What does "FUU" mean?

"FUU" is a word used for occations when things are.


Related words: "BnÀÀ", "Nne", "Neh Vesseh", "Niop."

fuu, vittu ettΓ€ on paha paskahΓ€tΓ€

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FUU - what does it mean?

A sexilitious girl who realises it and becomes extremely lazy.

Basic meaning being a fuu is someone that would say:
"Work, yeah I tried that once. Worst 7 minutes of my life."


"They say hard work never hurts anybody, but why take the chance"

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FUU - meaning

The most edible female name

Fuu is sooo edible - especially with cream

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FUU - definition

A very well hung dog

Man that dogs got some fuu

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FUU - slang

means that someone is backing out of something, or that they just overall suck!!!!

did you hear Lucas isn't coming out tonight?? he is soooooo fuu

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A sexilitious girl who realises it and becomes extremely lazy.

Basic meaning being a fuu is someone that would say:
"Work, yeah I tried that once. Worst 7 minutes of my life."


"They say hard work never hurts anybody, but why take the chance

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When somebody or something is fake

β€œThat girl is fuu asf”

β€œDude ass wear fuu jewelry”

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Japanese firstname, Kanji: ι’¨ meaning "Wind, Breeze, Air, Manners"

Fuu is a girl impossible to catch, living free like the wind and travelling where the breeze brings her. She is usually calm and with light agreable manners but can turn into a raging tempest when pushed to her limits.

Fuu Hououji (manga character from "Magic Knight Rayearth" by CLAMP)
Fuu from the Yamanaka Clan (manga character from "Naruto" by Masashi Kishimoto)

Rie Fuu (γƒͺエ フγ‚₯) is a Japanese singer/composer, from her real name Rie Funakoshi (舩袊 ι‡Œζ΅)

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