Definder - what does the word mean?

What is FREAKIN A?

the act of freaking out or over reacting about something.

"Man, Chad was freakin' last night."

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FREAKIN A - video


FREAKIN A - what is it?

An expression used when you are mad, or when somebody does something you do not like.

Person 1) you can't wear that to school!

Person 2) Freakin A!

👍69 👎43

What does "FREAKIN A" mean?

A slang word used when one is in agreement with something or someone. Basically has the same meaning as "hell yea" or "fucking-A."

Person A: "That guy can be such an asshole sometimes."
Person B: "Freakin a."

👍131 👎99

FREAKIN A - what does it mean?

when one does not like to express the curse phrase fuckin ass hole. a term of dissappointment towards amother individual.

When you are cut off by another car, you yell "freakin A"

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FREAKIN A - meaning

1. An option to saying fucking

2. To be tripping out, or Flipping out.

1. I'm so freakin pissed off.

2. I'm totally freakin out man

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FREAKIN A - definition

A way to say the word fucking around the office.

That guy is freakin' good.

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FREAKIN A - slang

shit, oh shit, damnit, used when you are either angry, annoyed or upset about something.

"don't we have that huge final today?"

"freakin' a, yeah and i forgot to study."

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Word used in place of "fucking."

"What the freakin hell?!"

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To replace the word "fucking" when you are saying/writing it for a large audience, esp. in a business setting.

This freakin project is driving me crazy!

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something you say instead of using the F-word

Frerakin' A i cant belive you did that?

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