Definder - what does the word mean?

What is FLIDS?

a derogatory term for a physically or mentally handicapped person; a retard.

From British slang. Derived from "thalidomide" a drug available 1950s and '60s that caused birth defects.

What a dispicable bloody flid.

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FLIDS - meme gif

FLIDS meme gif

FLIDS - video


FLIDS - what is it?

stands for fucking long island douchebag

There are a lot of flids in ZBT

👍33 👎15

What does "FLIDS" mean?

Flid is an insult which means "cripple" or physically challenged.The etymology of the word emanates from the term Thalydamide which was a drug used in the 1960's by pregnant women. Later it was discovered that the drug had severe consequences for the child in as much that the arms and legs (especially, but not restricted to) were very deformed.

artist: This is meant to represent... blah ... blah ..blah
three months later
member of public: "That aint no ordinary flid bruv, I reckon right, that is a piktchar devoted to some one in the royal family that we aint heard of cuz they aint too happy about them being fliddy- you know what i is sayin bruv. That is probably like Harry's bruvver who we dont see on telly innit. It has to be cuz they dont make statues of ordinary flids do they"

👍187 👎201

FLIDS - what does it mean?

A childhood insult, similar in meaning to spaz. Presumably derived from the word thalidomide.

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FLIDS - meaning

Flid is short for thalidomide, In the 1950s and the early 1960s, thalidomide was used to treat morning sickness during pregnancy. But it was found to cause severe birth defects. Playground taunts from the 70's. i.e shut up you flid, meant you were defective.

If when playing football at school and one of your teammates missed an easy chance, you would say 'what are you doing you flid'

👍25 👎11

FLIDS - definition

A person with no arms and legs. Just a body and a head.

Jack: Suck my dick

Daniel: Can't. I'm a flid.

👍163 👎123

FLIDS - slang

abbreviation for Fuckin' Long Island Douchebag.
Things that all Flids know:
1) Northeastern America is a suburb of New York City.
2) The rest of America consists of a couple of farms and the OC (which they know from their favorite show)
3) Dave Matthews totally sold out 3 years ago, John Mayer is like way better.
4) The fact that the Long Island Sound sucks does not stop these people from trudging across the snow in sandals in the winter.
5) Although they love New York, they have never been to the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, or Staten Island except to see a baseball game. Also, they have never traveled to any state that does not rhyme with Jew Nersey or Konnektikut.
6) Hat backwards... always.
7) They came out of their mom's womb wearing a pink polo shirt, collars popped, and wearing a diaper made by Ambercrombie and Finch.

yo, check out those flids trying to pick up those skanks with the skirt and Uggz

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A widely used insult in England, i dont know about America its probably there too. It is quite an extreme insult, most people dont like it (obviously), means spasticated or retarded.
It comes from the German drug that was used in the 60's to help calm the side effects of pregnancy, but sometimes caused physical abnormalities in the baby. A flid is actually originally a person with no arms and legs.

You run like a flid!
Ahhh flid! oh wait you have arms and legs..

👍721 👎455


Fucking Long Island Douche bag

"People from long island are Flids"

👍1161 👎705


An insult usually meaning spacker, thick, incapable or physically challenged.

Shortened term of Thalidomide, a German-invented drug which was used in the 1950's and 1960's across Europe to tame the side effects of pregnancy. It caused birth defects in new borns who's mother had used the drug.

The ban has now been lifted on Thalidomide as it is believed to cure a rare form of leprosy and is currently being tested for the treatment of HIV/AIDS.

"Haha, what a flid!"

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