Definder - what does the word mean?

What is FELCHER?

When a gay man first ejaculates in his partner's ass,then sucks out his own cum

Those two fags are felcher's for sure

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FELCHER - video


FELCHER - what is it?

Felcher: Someone who cums in a woman ass, then sucks it out with (or without) a straw.

After he blew a load in her ass, he felchered it all up with a straw. MMM MMM GOOD!

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What does "FELCHER" mean?

Birmingham, circa 1994.
Became a nickname to which I have been cursed, not due to my practising said 'art', but through an innocent mispronounciation of my surname. I'm stuck with it.

Man: (at door of concert): "I've come to see Chris..."
Woman: (on door) "Chris who?"
Man: "Erm... Chris.... Felcher??"

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FELCHER - what does it mean?

These days felcher has a more common meaning, the art of felching has come a long way since sucking cum out of a random asshole, it can now mean you're a bottom feeder of any type.

"Stop felching my beer you felch"
"Hey felcher" (Yelled out to bum collecting money at train station)
"Dont let felch felch off a felch" (Meaning double felching is a big no no)

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FELCHER - meaning

Scumbags who suck semen out of the vagina or anus of one's partner after sex. Sick perverted motherfuckers!

Bob is a felcher that sucks man juice out of Tom's bunghole!

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FELCHER - definition

The sick art of ejaculating in an ass and sucking it out through a curly straw

James wrote a book on felching cos he is a felcher, 10 steps to a succesful felch

1.Curly straws are a must
2.Nice loose ass, more straws the better
3.Lots of jism
4. loosen up with some fist action
5.saliva is a vital source, spit on it
6. use your toungue
7.clear your throat for maximum enjoyment
8.Dont do it with your mum
9.Loosen up with your massive triceps like i have
10.Chug coke up your ass to get it just write

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FELCHER - slang

One who sucks cum out of another person's ass with a straw.

Want to felch?

You filthy felcher!
I like to felch.

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a person who, in a sick act of human nature, has anal sex with someone, ejaculates on his/her butt, and cleans up with their mouth

"dude, you fucking nasty-ass felcher"

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A male who sucks the cum out of another male's ass after anal intercourse.

Matt is a sick felcher who felches on demand any number of cum buckets at any time.

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During anal sex when cum is released into the ass, the FELCHER is the person who removes the cum, with a straw or not.

The felcher sucked out the cum with a straw.

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