Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Everyone is Different?

Another fucking thing they tell us in 1st grade.

Don't feel bad that your mom's a crackwhore and your dad's a conficted killer...Everyone is different.

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Everyone is Different - video


Everyone is Different - what is it?

shite u say that'll get u beat up in the skewl yard

"but my mom said everyone is.." BAM! booyah! u just got knocked the fuck out!!!

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What does "Everyone is Different" mean?

Common phrase used by Very attractive women to tell 'loser guys' she is not at all interested in his Star Wars collector cups...nor is she interested in his sexual turn on's and fantacies.

LOSER MAN: "Yeah, i'm totally into the Princess Leia 'fantacy' know, the gold bikini? *wink*"

HOT SEX KITTEN: "Well, everyone is different..oh look! *points*

LOSER MAN:*looks* "Is it Leia?"

HOT SEX KITTEN: *runs away*

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Everyone is Different - what does it mean?

A euphemism for "you're a nut for disagreeing with me".

You don't like FOX News? Well, everyone is different.

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Everyone is Different - meaning

A phrase often used to prevent children from coming to grips with the harsh realities of the world.

Just remember, you are unique. JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE.

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Everyone is Different - definition

1. A blatant truism, based on the fact that nobody is exactly identical to anyone else.

2. A PC saying designed to push a liberal social agenda which normalizes and accepts non-normative behaviors as part of a whole, functional, society.

1. Sally and Ralph are not the same person. This is because people are unique, ie, everybone is different.

2. Bill is a high-functioning alcoholic homosexual with neo-Nazi political views and a penchant for exposing himself in public. Ah well, everyone is different.

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Everyone is Different - slang

An awesome book by Strong Bad, in which he takes an actual children's book and crosses out sentences and pictures to make it funny.

Some people have rigged the enemy base with explosives. Albert has.

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Everyone is Different

Strong Bad's children's book. It teaches words such as fangoriously, gelatinous, and linebacker.

Some people wear glasses. Beth looks like a dude.

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Everyone is Different

A Book by Strong Bad

Everyone is different, no two people are not on fire. Awwwww...

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Everyone is Different

Fundamentally true statement, generally taught to children, especially those with special needs. Also a kickass book by Strong Bad.

"Some people are about to be run over. Frankie has about five seconds."

"Some people are very tall and merciless. Quincy is destroying San Antonio"

"Some people are squirrel handed. Gregor is a wierd name."

"Some people have rigged the enemy base with explosives. Albert has."

"Some people are being fangoriously devoured by a gelatinous monster. Hilary's legs are being digested."

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