Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ethyne?

He is so cute he loved me so much and now he has a girlfriend I’m happy for him and his girlfriend. She must be pretty. I really wish he was mine forever but he’s not anymore… πŸ₯°

Hey Ethyn I love you

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Ethyne - video


Ethyne - what is it?

Usually a male redhead that suffers from a penis growth disorder.

Person A: Disgusting! Why is it so small?
Person B: My name's Ethyn.

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What does "Ethyne" mean?

A sexy man with a low-ish following on tik tok but has a lot of simps

Ethyn Boyles is sexy

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Ethyne - what does it mean?

You ain’t shit, you decide to be a self centered and chose to never think about another. You are a discount looking wa Luigi.

Cheating bitch Ethyn

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Ethyne - meaning

can be nice and loving, other times he can be rude. texts a lot of girls, definitely a player. drinks a lot, some consider a drunk. but if he really wants to, he can be nice and cool.

ethyn is an alcoholic.

if you know anyone that’s an alcoholic, it’s an ethyn.

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Ethyne - definition

someone who is unusually imaginative and has the ability to convert all that he imagines into reality. A person who is one of the sweetest creatures in existence leading birds, cats, lizards, dogs, and other animals to perceive him as one of their own and subsequently abandoning the affections of their previous owners.

He's not a thief but he is a bit of an Ethyn.

Oh, no! My favorite belt has been Ethyned!

The boy was saddened to learn that through the delicate process of Ethynasia, Fluffy had moved to the neighbor's house.

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Ethyne - slang

Ethyn is a loving, amazing, and handsome human being. He is reliable, caring, and very kind to everyone he meets. He will always be there for you whenever you need him and he can give you really good advice. He will stay up with you until 5 o'clock in the morning while you rant about something that doesn't even matter because he loves you so much. He will always send wholesome memes to you if you're sad. Ethyn is loyal and hates cheaters and players. He wants to be with you and loves contact in any way shape or form. He will love you unconditionally no matter what unless you cheat on him or turn gay for a month because people can do that apparently.

hey babe i love you so much never forget that

hELLA cute laugh uwu <3<3<3

"You're dating Ethyn right?"
"Yeah, he's the best thing that has ever happened to me! UWU"

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A 20 year old bitch that hates on younger and older members on a virtual website. Why? Because it's the IN thing to do that's why. People like her crave power. Or.. survive on it.

She will rage at you if you sell a pixel that was given to you by someone else and not to mention the fact that she will message everyone on her MSN list until she gets someone to help her gang up on you.

The most whiny self centered 'adult' (if you can actually call her that) out there.

Anyone know where a bitch is?

You mean that Ethyne?

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That miserable faggot bitch who played Everyone is glad she quit. The forums have never been better. If she ever dares to come back, we'll post her email/msn and facebook on every site ever created until she kills herself.
We're sure she knows everyone loathes her & just bitches about her behind her back.

Ethyne/Lise Lee, or whatever the fuck she's called, thinks she's so great because she left and now 'has a life'. Little do most people know, she instead now spends 24/7 on Facebook playing Mafia Wars! LOL

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Apparently she is the leader of Spam Chat. Sadly, we have a leader just like ReC does with Grannie Jade. But of course, Ethyne or Lise, (whatever you want to call this whiny bitch) loves the fact that everyone worships and kisses her ass on this site. They say she's twenty, though she acts like a 45 year old mother that has too many children (hence the reason she loves mocking 13 year olds) She's the biggest lemming herself.


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