Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Eam?

a sexy motherfucker

jordan: man, that isaac eames kid is pretty sexy
bradley: I know right
isaac: thank you guys im flattered

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Eam - meme gif

Eam meme gif

Eam - video


Eam - what is it?

Eam Huy is an amazing friend. He’s extremely funny and kind. He will always be there whenever you’re going through anything and is always down to have fun. Eam Huy is also always considerate of your feelings and you’ll be lucky to have him. Eam Huy’s deserve the absolute world.

You should go talk to an Eam Huy, he’ll make sure you feel happier!

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What does "Eam" mean?

Small penis

Will hallem eames has a small penis

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Eam - what does it mean?

an Email

I got this eame that promised to make me rich

I keep getting these eames wanting me to look at picture of peoele with no clothes on

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Eam - meaning

big oinkster looks like a pig his father is a famous author that helps you with all your impossible problems.

oh look it a leon eames in the farm

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Eam - definition

Elder Attracted Minor

Did you know I am a EAM? I'm attracted to my own grandma!

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Eam - slang

emo, emo-like or having to do with being emo

John:Dude that chick cuts herself
Mark:Damn Shes so eams bro

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A lanky person whos always up for a fight but can be shy around women, very accident prone but still pretty awesome

Guy 1: Dude what happened
Eames: Got in a brawl, beat up 5 guys and then tripped and broke two ribs
Guy 1: Sounds like a good weekend

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Eam (noun) - Any dream involving the Internet. An eam may feature people you communicate with online, websites you visit, or games you play. There are currently no specific words to describe a nightmare involving the Internet, as any eam, by definition, is inherently a nightmare.

Ed believes that life is but an Eam.

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