Definder - what does the word mean?

What is oinkster?

Stealing “Oinkster’” pig key chains for little ass kids.

You: hey
Person: hi
You: Wanna hit a “Devious Oinkster’ Lick?”
Person: bet
You: Snatches pig keychain from little kid*
Person: 🙀💀
You: uh daddy 🐱👈👈👈👈

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oinkster - meme gif

oinkster meme gif

oinkster - video


Oinkster - what is it?

pigs. police. asshole. 5-0. bastards. dicks. the law. fuck ups when they were kids

The oinksters are at my pad right now, ill give you a call in a few

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What does "oinkster" mean?

An extremely ugly vehicle.

The new Boxster is a real oinkster.

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