Definder - what does the word mean?

What is EIMEAR?

Usually a hoe who procrastinates the entire time.

Friend 1: See Eimear?
Friend 2: Yeah
Friend 1: She's a hoe

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EIMEAR - meme gif

EIMEAR meme gif

EIMEAR - video


EIMEAR - what is it?

The back of a ballbag

An eimear needs a good shaving once in a while

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What does "EIMEAR" mean?

Eimears are the most annoying people you will find and are crazy for animals, especially dogs. They are usually the yougest and are very spoiled. They are very friendly but the hate mint so mabey they arent worth it. They are trustworthy and always choses the best people to be friends with. Shes more of a follower that a leader and loves the colour yellow.

Eimear is a great friend

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EIMEAR - what does it mean?

adj. needing or craving pizza

Today i was soo Eimear!

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EIMEAR - meaning

when a girl is a dolour of a gal, 🀀 who loves to relax and partee with her tribe. someone whose got the banging body got looks for days 😡 speaks spaneesh, sweedish, and engleesh got some, minor mentality difficulties and focus 🧘 ♀️ deminores and loves cheese buat cannuut , consume as to breathing strugulits πŸ€ͺlittle bit silly πŸ™ƒ sometimes does not have asthma like sassy wassy bear ,

daddykins only wants EIMEAR in his camasita.

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EIMEAR - definition

The queen of the world

Your Royalness, the queen, Eimear

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EIMEAR - slang

An Eimear is just one of those people. They like to keep it PG (the name means six gifts, one of which being chastity). They have a tendency to LOVE musicals and are most often very intelligent especially at maths. Although they can be quiet, give them a keypad and they'll go cray cray! Elite at coming up with one liners and you'll ALWAYS have an inside joke with them. Most compatible with people called 'Aaron'.

'Eimear is just so elite.

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really pretty/gorgeous/beautiful girl

God!!beyonce is soo eimear right now!

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Eimear is the greatest thing that has landed on this earth, she is amazing!

I wish I was like Eimear

Eimear is perfect

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Eimears are intelligent, beautiful girls who are shy when you first meet them but when they’re comfortable with you they become themselves. Their smart, witty humour will leave you crying with laughter. Although beautiful to others, they are very insecure about themselves when it comes to most things but try to step out of their comfort zone from time to time. They are kind, loyal people and the best to spend time with. Eimears are some of the most trustworthy people you will ever meet and are definitely worth taking your time to get to know as they are not fake, don’t lie, and just want the approval of others. With strong social anxiety especially around popular leading people, they tend to more likely be followers than leaders as feel more comfortable with others than with themselves.

An Eimear may not be what you think, but even better!

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