Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Doonie?

When you get to have sex with a girl

Aye so you gonna let me beat the doonies down

👍51 👎67

Doonie - meme gif

Doonie meme gif

Doonie - video


Doonie - what is it?

(n) one who snows

person 1: wow, doony puffed all fatly
person 2: i know! there's tons of fluff stuff on the ground!

👍45 👎61

What does "Doonie" mean?

your boo, or your girl

goodnight doonie. or, son that's my doonie is sexxxy.

👍109 👎281

Doonie - what does it mean?

Part of wOmEn

beatn the doonies down

👍29 👎15

Doonie - meaning

the act of betraying, cheating, lying to a significant other.

she slept with your co-worker? haha, you got "doonied"

👍59 👎65

Doonie - definition

Doonies-reference to a male beating a females pussy so hard it causes vibration in her organs causing them to move downwards hence the reference I beat her doonies down


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Doonie - slang

(aka vagina) a moist, warm house for the penis.

get your doonie out

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Another word for internal organs

“I know she be at Motel 6 getting her doonies beat down!’ -kyahnextdoor on Tiktok

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A penis

Your doonie is chodic

👍53 👎365


A Doonie is a Vagina... Term was Popularized by YN Louie & YN Jay. In songs they mention "beating peoples doonies down" which is the verbal phrase for Doonies. which means the same as beating up a pussy or fuckung the shit outta someone.

In Context :

" Man I Beat Her Doonies Down"

👍853 👎69