Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dobbers?

Glasgow has always had a Catholic/Protestant divide, traditionally Celtic are associated with the Catholic side, Rangers with the Protestant.
Protestants hold in high regard King William of Orange. Therefore to a Celtic fan, they may be "Orange Bastards."(or basturts to use the local dialect).
Add the word "Dirty" to the beginning of the phrase and you have, "Dirty Orange Bastard" the initials of which form "DOB", which is where the widely-used Glasgow phrase "Dobber" originates from. Which, yes, means that if you're a dirty Rangers fan, and you call someone a dobber, you're slagging yourself. Up ye, and mon the hoops!

Check the nick of this dobber!

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Dobbers - meme gif

Dobbers meme gif

Dobbers - video


Dobbers - what is it?

Dobber in South Derbyshire, England, means condom.

"I ran out of dobbers so I had to go up the tradesman's entrance!"

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What does "Dobbers" mean?

1. Dobber , dobbing , dobbin' :- something 'big' - big headache, big penis, big idiot, big fool
1a. England:- A 'dobber' is a large marble (small glass coloured balls kids used to play with)
2. Australia, NZ (?):- to 'dob' someone in means to squeal on someone, to expose them, tell on them

I'll match my blue dobber against your medium stripey marble.

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Dobbers - what does it mean?

A person who turns another in for someting they've done. Also called 'telling' on someone.

"I'm going to tell Marty on you!"
"You dobber!"

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Dobbers - meaning

A fat northen male or female who live off Greggs, always seen wearing tight leggings and Everlast Tee shirts. The whole family look the same, hence 'look at those fucking dobbers!'

fat dole scum, smokes rollups and waddle when they walk, they even have tits on there backs as there so fat, 'What a pair of dobbers'.

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Dobbers - definition

A male penis or a dildo

"look at the state of that dobber"

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Dobbers - slang

Another name for the dick

geeus a gonk ya dobber

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A Glasgow term for a dick head or in general just a stupid cunt.

See u, I'll punh ur cunt in ya fukin dobber.

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a dobber is a penis. Used in Glasgow and the surrounding places instead of saying 'Ya cock', ya dick etc.

Get tae fuck ya dobber.

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inventor of all things, creator of the world. should you talk about it, he made it. he was there when time began. a source of any and all knowledge required.

Dobbers, have you seen this item??

Well yes, i invented those you know...

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