Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ditties?

Something strange yet disgusting.

A large women covered in her bodily fluids - EWWWW DITTY AS FUCK.

👍135 👎105

Ditties - meme gif

Ditties meme gif

Ditties - video


Ditties - what is it?

its when your asshole gets fingered while recieving oral sex

"oh yeah keep giving me that ditty while blowing me, it is quite excellent"

👍457 👎431

What does "Ditties" mean?

1. a short rap or rhyme done usually freestyle and with no instruments (a cappella).

2. a song in a commercial. See jingle.

"Hit a ditty 'bout 'W' Big G."

"I can't get that new McDonald's ditty outta my head."

👍233 👎159

Ditties - what does it mean?

Ditty is often used to describe a ditzy girl who is not quite as silly as a ditz, but actually is more on the cute side. While ditzy could be annoying at times, ditty is very adorable.

Hi Ditty, you look so pretty tonight!

You are such a ditty!

👍151 👎83

Ditties - meaning

dick tits, aka a man's ballsack :)

haha did you see derek's ditties? theyre so uneven lololol

👍25 👎11

Ditties - definition

Ditty is a mixture between fitty and decent a code word for if you like someone

That boy is ditty

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Ditties - slang

A song. 1930's US slang

I hate parading my serenading,
As I'll probably miss a bar,
But if this ditty is not so pretty,
At least it'll tell you
How great you are.
--Cole Porter, "You're the Top"

👍169 👎83


the most bad ass song to ever hit 1992

Do the ditty if you want to
Because then I can see if I want you
Just do the ditty-ditty if you want to
Because then I can see if I want you
- Paperboy

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Ditties are femal breast but with a penis' instead of a nipple's.

Friend 1:hey dude I asked that cute girl out
Friend 2:oh that's good how is it going with that
Friend 3:not so good we were having a good time until she pulled out her ditties

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Boobs that are over size "DD" replacing the word titties

Check out them Ditties

👍39 👎21