Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dead Server?

People saying that in a truly dead discord server

Random Discord User: Dead Server XD
Me: So True

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Dead Server - video


Dead Server - what is it?

A server that is no longer used by many people and instead only a few. dead servers typically have a lot of people in it but only have 3-4 active people. some dead servers turn into wastelands, where no one is even alive

Me and my friends use to talk all the time there but now it’s just a Dead Server

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What does "Dead Server" mean?

A server that used to be booming and have lots of active people, but now has only 3-5 active people

Me and my friends used to hang out on here, but it’s a dead server now

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Dead Server - what does it mean?

A server that has been abandoned, and nobody is on except you. Commonly seen in older games that were the first to get online such as Dues Ex, Halo, Doom. On a Dead Server, you feel lonely.

Man, I went to play Dues Ex online on my old computer, but all I saw were Dead Servers.

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