Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dues?

An awesome 90's Canadian TV show about a Mountie in Chicago who's friends with a deaf half-wolf and Chicago cop Ray Vecchio, and who talks to his dead father. Very Pythonesque in nature, the series ran for four seasons and starred Paul Gross, David Marciano, and Callum Keith Rennie. Canadian actor Leslie Nielsen was a frequent guest star as well.

From Due South:
"Constable Benton Fraser, Royal Canadian Mounted Police. I first came to Chicago on the trail of the killers of my father and, for reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, have remained, attached as a liaison with the Canadian consulate."

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Dues - meme gif

Dues meme gif

Dues - video


Dues - what is it?

in the process of

I like dueing your mom

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What does "Dues" mean?

anyone named ilaura is a moron

hey i was talking to that dues dues from alaska, what a moron

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Dues - what does it mean?

the second person in the rotation when smoking weed.

Person 1: I got greens, (first)

Person 2: I got dues

Person 3: fine ill get tre

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Dues - meaning

An abbreviation for Purdue University. Taking the last three letters of the school's name. It is most commonly used in NFL player introductions by players that played at Purdue, similar to the University of Miami's the U for former Miami players. It has been used by NFL stars such as Drew Brees, Kyle Orton, Nick Hardwick, and Brandon Gorin.

Drew Brees
The 'Due

Nick Hardwick
The 'Due

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Dues - definition

italian for "two"

Noi diamo due pompini.
We gave two blowjobs.

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Dues - slang

Used in the PH aka prospect heights
and AH aka arlington heights

a word having no exact definition. used when talking about things that are not very serious vs Do, which is serious

Due means whatever. it can mean to hit somebody too.

go due that bitchass snitch

Due work

Due what it due

Donnie due the damn thang.
sagz due some work nigga.

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I'm going to go buy a dues dues (ounce) of beer.

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When the thing you're doing Is done or something is coming

When is the project due?

When is the baby due ?
When is the bus due?
When is it due to snow

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An exclamation used after a person makes a joke which is particularly unfunny and nobody laughs at it.

John: I'm so boney!
Everybody else: DUES!!!!!

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