Definder - what does the word mean?

What is David Cook's?

When a person is a simp, is short, has a small balls and no penis.

Wow that person is such a David Cook

👍25 👎11

David Cook's - video


David Cook's - what is it?

1.) A wanna-be Adam Lambert. He was the "it" thing after American Idol 7, but as soon as Adam hit the scene in Season 8, everyone could care less about him.
2.) A douche who yells a his fans for hanging signs on tour bus. GET OVER IT! Thats what fans do!

Girl- David Cook is sooo dreamy!!
Other girl- You mean the other David from AI7 that wishes his career took off like Adam Lambert's that hates his fans? Whats DREAMY about that?!

👍41 👎129

What does "David Cook's" mean?

The winner of American Douchebag season 7. His career will last until next years American Idol begins and everyone forgets him

American Idol fan 1: OMG! David Cook won OMG! I so wanted him to win.
American Idol fan 2: I wanted him to win bad we'll forget about him when the new season starts.

👍219 👎737

David Cook's - what does it mean?

Winner of American Idol Season 7. He won because a bunch of horny ugly desperate housewives voted for him thinking that one day he will hopefully have sex with them. He was kind of ugly and fat during the show but he lost some weight and got an American Idol makeover and grew some facial hair. He's totally fuckable now. I'd fuck him. I think David Cook thought that once he won American Idol he would be able to have sex with super hot girls, but no. Instead, he has to have sex with old ugly ladies cause they're the only ones who like him, who know who he even is, and they're the people who buy his stuff. He HAS to fuck them. He has no choice.

Old Horny Lady: "Oh my goodness, my David Cook is such an amazing singer. I want to fuck him but i can't cause i'm old and ugly and my vagina is humongous now."

👍113 👎259

David Cook's - meaning

David Cook is the winner of american idol season 7, is very sexy, talented and amazing. He's very lovable, and a huge word nerd.

David Cook....:)

👍441 👎247

David Cook's - definition

By far the best American Idol contestant ever-talented, sexy, just amazing in general. His beautiful, raw voice never ceases to amaze me and many others across the nation. He's truly a gift to the music world and will go on to be incredibly successful, as he deserves to be.

When David Cook sang Billie Jean, I think I died and came back to life.

David Cook couldn't have gotten as far as he did without his Word Nerds, his fan group on the American Idol forums.

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David Cook's - slang

American Idol winner, season 7, David Cook is now a recording artist on the RCA label. Full name David Roland Cook. He was born in Blue Springs Missouri on December 20th of 1982. Albums include 'Analog Heart' released in 2006 and a self titled album released in 2008.
Sidenote: David is related to R&B artist Alicia Keys
( real name Alicia Augello Cook )

me: Do you know who David Cook is?
my friend: Yeah, he was on American Idol, right?
me: Yep

👍71 👎23

David Cook's

An amazing singer and winner of American Idol Season 7.

Did you see David Cook perform last night? He was amazing!

👍683 👎289

David Cook's

The winner of american idol season 7. He's pretty much amazing, the best winner they've had yet. he has such a good voice, it's like magic when he sings, and he's incredibly hot.

misguided person: david archuleta should have won american idol.

me: no way, david cook is so much better. how could you not love him after he sang 'eleanor rigby', 'the music of the night', and 'always be my baby'?

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