Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dank Ass?

Highly potent, yet very dirty weed. The kind your grandpa smokes. Common in white trash areas. Wiggers often smoke this.

Yo, Justin had some dank ass schwag the other night.
Bitch, if you don't give me that dank ass schwag, I'll cut you!
This dank ass schwag is dirty as fuck, but it fucks my shit up!
Dank ass schwag is the shit! And Robin is a bitch!
This dank ass schwag is better than that Bulltrue I got in Halo 3!

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Dank Ass - video


Dank Ass - what is it?

an extremely fine object, device, piece of culinary goodness. something to be savored as it is of the utmost in quality.

yo, joe, that's some dank ass shit you got.

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What does "Dank Ass" mean?

pussy that is creamy and dank like olive oil. Mostly found on fat black chicks.smells like the ass hole of Bruce Willis.

Karl went to the club and scored with some dank ass pussy from a fat ass jiggaboo.

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Dank Ass - what does it mean?

1.Oxymoron: Dank as in good weed and schwag as in terrible weed.

2. What a drug dealer calls normal schwag so dumbasses will buy it.

3. What you call schwag you baught at cronic prices as to avoid embarresment.

It wasnt cronic, but it was some dank ass schwag.

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Dank Ass - meaning

Really fine cannabis. High quality marijuana that provides an intense effect.

Yo. We be hittin' an' jammin' at da party after smokin' some dank ass weed.

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Dank Ass - definition

A quantity of marijuana that is extremely potent / smelly.

I'm smoking some dank ass shit tommorow.

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Dank Ass - slang

Dank ass Doritos. Used to describe how great or good your Doritos are.

person 1 : Hay, Yo, M8 let me get some of those Dank ass Doritos

person 2 : Na fam these my Dank ass Doritos. Get your own.

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Dank Ass

formely used to describe how high someone is. just like saying drunk ass

get off you muthah fuckin dank ass and make me some mexican food, mom.

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Dank Ass

Also an expression frequently used by stoners and hippies for something of high quality that works at a cookie store.

she looks so much cuter than the( d.a.) Dank ass holding her

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Dank Ass

Really high quality stuff, mostly used to discribe weed, but can be used as an adjective for most anything.

That was some dank ass herb we just smoked. Or: Your mom makes some dank ass cookies.

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