Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dammes?

When shawty starts wilding and there's only one thing to say.

Got damm lil bxtch on that coke like montana

👍25 👎11

Dammes - meme gif

Dammes meme gif

Dammes - video


Dammes - what is it?

Internet meme

Damm Daniel back at it again with the white vans

👍45 👎17

What does "Dammes" mean?

1.To push aside personal feelings or obstacles and focus on the task at hand.

2.To, somehow, be able to land a full-splits spinning roundhouse kick to the face of a superior opponenet whilst blinded by salt thrown by said oponent.

You:"Dude, I can't go to work. I feel like crap after Cindy dumped me."

Me:"You gotta Van-Damme it and go anyway. Frank Dux didn't want to go to the Kumite but he did it AND he won."

👍33 👎11

Dammes - what does it mean?

The act of kicking open a door very loudly. You usually yell the words VAN DAMME as you are doing it as well. Refers to the action movie star Jean Claude Van Damme, and how his kicks can bust down doors.

This is helpful when you want to be an obnoxious asshole, or you're carrying something and can't use your hands.

Ahhh shit I can't open that door with all this shit in my hands. Oh well, VAN DAMME!(Busts open door with kick)

👍131 👎47

Dammes - meaning


Someone that sleeps more than 12 hours
Someone who owns a cafe in his room(At Damm's)
Damm is someone who is never on time

I feel damm sleepy.
I need to sleep a lot.
I'm late, I'm damm

👍67 👎91

Dammes - definition

1.nice body

2. perfect face

Damm she got a big booty

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Dammes - slang

The sound when you see someone really hot.

Damm! Look at her! She has it all!

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Expressing anger, surprise, or frustration. Note: It is Old English, so it is not often, if at all, used anymore.

"Damme, Deerslayer, if I did not believe you are at heart a Moravian, and no fair-minded, plain-dealing hunter, as you've pretended to be!"
(Excerpt taken from The Deerslayer by James Fenimore Cooper.)

👍35 👎13


Drunks Against MADD Mothers is yeahois. For the definition of yeahois see yeahois.

1.) DAMM is my favoritest club ever.

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Damm is another way to say damn

Damm you are a idiot to not know that.
Damm, all the other explanations for damm are really useless and stupid, are they even trying or just joking around?
'Damm?', why not just use 'damn'?

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