Definder - what does the word mean?

What is DIVI?

An area in west belfast in Northern ireland notorious for joyriders and gangs called millies that wear lacoste tracksuits and lacoste joggers

Guy 1 You comin up ti divis today Guy 2 nah it's full of joyriders n millies

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DIVI - meme gif

DIVI meme gif

DIVI - video


DIVI - what is it?

It derives from the language of "chaver" meaning stupid or silly.

"eeeeeee-a who u lookin at ya divy cunt, ill nock ye teeth out"

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What does "DIVI" mean?

divy, divvy
The Cooperative Society in the North of England operated a scheme whereby each time a purchase was made in one of their stores, a small amount (a dividend, hence divy) was added to your account. At the end of the month, this would be used by the shopper towards future purchases

"Eh, I've spent so much at the Coop this month, I'll be able to get a telly with the divy"

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DIVI - what does it mean?

Divi, Div, Divy A person who is not very smart or has just done a stupid thing

James walks down the street and walks into a lamp-post. His friends turn around to him and say 'James you divi.'

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DIVI - meaning

The act of separating the goods betwixt your fellow chumps.

Hey Stanley, lets divi up your paycheck homeslice

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DIVI - definition

A precise operation in a merge sort algorithm

Gotta divy, divy, divy that array

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DIVI - slang

(Pronounced: Di-vee) Divi: A slang term expressing perfection, success, or triumph; short for "divine"

"Stacie's mom's cookies are divi ." DIVI

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To divide up into sections by means of separating.

Obaid will divy the half-once of weed him and I brought into rolling papers.

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Cool, lit, in agreeance. Short for divine.

A) Dude, check out that lit mountain!
B)that’s pretty divy!

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unique individual who runs people pretty much.

yo that kid was good at bball he pulled a divy

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