Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cyo?

some neat cyberpunk dnd campaign

CYOS is pretty cool and has nice art

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Cyo - meme gif

Cyo meme gif

Cyo - video


Cyo - what is it?

the reason fdr boys wake up on a saturday morning. this basketball barnyard show is crowded with white boys who believe ball is life. most kids are absolute dog shit yet take these games so seriously. few shooters and many fat kids who are finally getting exercise other than walking through the halls at school. this is where the kids who were cut from the school team thrive. its basically hyde parks NBA.

regina coeli cyo hall of fame members:
- chuck cook
- pat nesbitt
- ryan taylor
- fat ass 3 point shooter billy

kid 1: β€œare you gonna go watch the regina coeli cyo basketball games today?”
kid 2: β€œyeah i’ve been looking for a good laugh.”

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What does "Cyo" mean?

Some idiots think it's an acronym for "See you".

Use cya instead.

person a: Cya tomorrow
person b: dont you mean cyo?
'person a' removed 'person b' as friend.

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Cyo - what does it mean?

cyo (check you out) in text

ight cyo

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Cyo - meaning

An acronym used to refer to the "Catholic Youth Organization". In its most common form, it is used to describe Catholic sports leagues amongst the children of the catholic religion. Basketball is the most common sport in reference to CYO and teams are comprised of the age range from grades 3-8

There was a great CYO game last night between two really good teams

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Cyo - definition

The hammers nigga out there. He is real, gets mad easily but ultimately forgives you. Can be ruthless so don’t push him. But over all a caring genuinely good person

That’s my boy CYO, always got my back

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Cyo - slang

A slang term for cello, often used by super orchestra geeks on sites like myspace and facebook.

I love playing cyo! Cyo is the best instrument in orch!

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