Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ryan taylor?

Very ugly rudest person to meet UGLIEST PERSON EVER

Ryan Edwards Taylor thinks he’s rock solid

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ryan taylor - video


Ryan taylor - what is it?

A pretty big goober

You are a Taylor Ryan Shrable

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What does "ryan taylor" mean?

He is brother of big penis HyperEz


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Ryan taylor - what does it mean?

A "Dustin Ryan Taylor" is usually a very appealing creature. He will charm you with his beautiful smile and adorable dimples. He is a sex dynamo! But be cautious when encountering a DRT, he will be quick to make you fall in love and quickly steal your soul and give you some unforgettable memories, that he however doesnt remember, because he is a junky. Also when having sex with a DRT, PLEASE USE PROTECTION! Or you WILL end up with AIDS! A DRT is always a good friend to keep, but watch out, he will quickly turn on you and eat your heart. Also never pursue a family with a DRT, he will only give you false hope, and IMMEDIATELY walk out on you when you get pregnant.

Hood rat meets booze=Dustin Ryan Taylor

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Ryan taylor - meaning

A pretty chill, very handsome, awesome bloke.

LOves Bagguette and chocolate cake anytime.

You wreck that hamburger Ryan Taylor.
Demolish that cake Ryan

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