Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Croque?

Pronouciation (Croc-Monster) Vaginer cover in green diarrhea.

Daddy, please slurp on my Croque Monsieur. (Croc Monster)

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Croque - what is it?

An overly effeminate female. A derivative of broke ass, with elements of the word croquembouche inserted.

"Quit putting on some much make-up, croque ass."
"Don't be such a croque ass."

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What does "Croque" mean?

An attractive French female. So named for the ham, cheese and egg sandwich with which she shares her nation of origin.

Jim: Damn, look at that fine piece of French chick go.

Jam: That's a good croque-madame, that is.

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Croque - what does it mean?

A derogatory term for someone you think is a bit of a weapon.
Or a toasted cheese and ham sandwich.

Fuck off Laura you croque monsieur

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Croque - meaning

Croque : A term Used In Miami,Fl. To Describe How Large OF A PEnis YOu Have.. When SOmeone Says You Are Croque It Means You Have A Penis The Size Of A Croqueta...

"You Have A Croque, and that is why your girlfriend left you."

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