Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cosh?

(north london slang)
If you are a cosh, you are basically extremely annoying and should be beaten up

'Blud, your a cosh!! Im gonna shnak you!'

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Cosh - meme gif

Cosh meme gif

Cosh - video


Cosh - what is it?

Guitar orientated indie-rock band from the south west of England.

"did you see Cosh last night"

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What does "Cosh" mean?

of the mathematical property of awesomeness

That equation is so cosh.

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Cosh - what does it mean?

To hit someone over the head.

I'm going to cosh you on the head.

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Cosh - meaning

n. lump of wood, used to hit people. v. to hit with a lump of wood. Standard European Romany word 'kaasht' meaning a piece of wood.

she's got him under the cosh, poor sod

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Cosh - definition

Under pressure
Under the cosh

If someone is under pressure because they have a deadline for a piece of coursework, or your team is under pressure to hold on to a one nil lead, this is known to be 'under the cosh' hence you are under pressure

"I have got so much work to do, so I'll give u a ring when I'm not under the cosh"

"We're just managing to hold onto a one nil lead and their really putting us under the cosh"

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Cosh - slang

A baton, often used by Police, that extends out when flicked.

"Fuck, that feds got a cosh, don't mess man."

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To lick a pregnant person's vagina. Usually, you end up with a mouth full of mucas.

"DUDE! I coshed my girlfriend last night,"
"EW! How nasty was it?"
"Pretty bad man, pretty bad."

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A different name for the fish cod so It doesn’t get confused with cod the game

Bill caught a big cosh in the lake

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The act of female ejaculation after sex.

My girlfriend coshed in my eye after we had sex for five hours last weekend.

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