Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Conlon?

Leo, is the most beautiful boy I have ever met. his personality and his looks. everything about this boy is perfect. I hope someday I can run into his arms and just melt with him. he is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. he’s just like the sun, my sun. he has the most beautiful eyes and the best personality. he’s flirty, but sweet and kind, he’s funny and thoughtful, he cares for me. I adore him. I am in love with Leo Conlon.

Leo Conlon is the love of my life

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Conlon - meme gif

Conlon meme gif

Conlon - video


Conlon - what is it?

he is a simp for his gyal and he follows her

he is a simp keelan conlon smells

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What does "Conlon" mean?

One bad ass south african dude who can get a chicks panties of by just saying hi in his accent, plus hes got mad seagull killing skillz

devin conlon man i pulled a devin last night and she totally bought it!!!

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Conlon - what does it mean?

A Caleb Conlon is an interesting unit. He often makes weird faces and rolls his eyes up his head, seemingly possessed. Caleb's are also slightly homosexuals and are furries. They're also incredibly horny and yearn for the touch of a woman. Caleb's also lick little children and sniffs their toes. They also most likely lost their virginity to their dog named 'Simba'.

"Oh, that guy looking menacingly at the dog? That's Caleb Conlon!"
"We all burst out laughing at the funny face the Caleb made"
"That guy has heaps of girlfriends, he must be a Caleb Conlon"

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Conlon - meaning

Isaac Conlon is a tall, slim boy. He’s shy, caring and always fun to be around. Not only does he have a great sense of humour but he will constantly put his full effort into making you feel better if you are down. Isaac Conlon is the boy destined to be with a beautiful, big beautiful blue eyed girl, who loves music and is always unintentionally comedic but enjoys seeing the grin on the faces of the people she makes laugh. Isaac Conlon is the individual that enjoys school for the learning aspect and for the social aspect; he has big plans for the future!

Guy #1: Whose that boy over there?
Guy #2: Oh that’s Isaac Conlon, he’s so cool!
Guy #3: He looks it!

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Conlon - definition

A hottie played by Gabriel Damon

"Spot Conlon is hot"

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Conlon - slang

when a person is mentally intoxicated and finds anything funny while being completely sober. They commonly use the catchphrase 'Na Na Na' and throw back their head when they laugh.

person 1: oh my god what is she doing!! she's running about mad chasing a pigeon
person 2: dude..she's doin' a conlon

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To attend an overseas festival and get so lit that you mistake the bath tub for a toilet!
Then proceed to empty your disgusting septic shite from your bowel into the tub whilst stabilising yourself by gripping onto a female companion.

Wow! What a conlon
Its as if someone exploded a cow pat in a bath

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A conlon is Irish by blood and loves to play football he might not support the best team but he is very loyal if you find a conlon your very lucky

Guy 1: who’s that new kid?
Guy 2: he’s conlon he’s so loyal
Guy 1: I wish I was his friend

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A person who is 1. Very Irish 2. Gets Drunk pretty much everyday 3. Is a bro 4. and Loves Lacrosse

These people tend to be very awesome, almost a rare find.

Guy 1: Dude look at that Conlon!
Guy 2: Dude he has an awesome polo!
Guy 3: And hes chugging mad beers, on a tuesday?!?

Conlon: Care to lax bros?

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