Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Clocker?

a word to describe a giant male genitalia.

he's hung like a clocker-knocker!

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Clocker - meme gif

Clocker meme gif

Clocker - video


Clocker - what is it?

A belt clocker is the urban term for cycling commuter. Since normal clothes are worn during the commute a belt must be clocked approximately 45 degrees to normal to avoid gut pinch and hair pull while cycling.

Two guys driving (1st guy) " Man I see that guy on his bike like every day " (2nd guy) "yeah peep money's steelo, he's a belt clocker fo sho"

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What does "Clocker" mean?

A homeless man who’s occupation is servicing men in exchange for their empty beverages cans. ( Preferably works in states or provinces with bottle deposit.)

Yo Lets take all your empties to the can clocker down the block.
Hell yeah ive been collecting my cans all week!

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Clocker - what does it mean?

Used to describe someone who clocks out at 5, usually to get tipsy on some magaritas and listen to Jimmy Buffet.

Typically a Floridian.

Me and the girls got all cinco-clocker at the bar down by Cocoa Beach. Hell yeah! we spanked some manly ass and danced naked on the tables. Picked up a few bucks on the way. Rocks to be a cinco-clocker!

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Clocker - meaning

a stalker that only stalks in the morning

6am : the clocker is out

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Clocker - definition

Amtrak local service between NY-Philly.

May I have a one-way fare on the 5:30 Clocker to Trenton?

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Clocker - slang

24/7 drug dealer. I believe the term was coined by the movie/book "Clockers"

Don't go too close to that bench, those guys are clockers.

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You turn around and punch them in the face in rage and hit someone as hard as you can and have them go down in pain

Yesterday I saw a man clocker him in the face

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Someone making money. It doesn't have to be drug money. It just means making any money. Like you "clock" in at work. But it doesn't have to mean making money from a 9-5 job.

Donald Trump is a clocker.

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Anyone who observes another’s activities. Usually with time involved.

He’s a clocker. He followed her for a week to learn her routines.

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